My home bouldering wall

Part of my home bouldering wall

Back when I arrived in Sheffield in 1986, there were no proper indoor climbing training facilities, so everyone built their own. These were generally in cellars, and a whole new generation of Sheffield cellar-dwelling ‘troglodytes’ was born. Even though Sheffield led the way, and now possesses some of the best indoor facilities anywhere (ClimbingWorks, The Foundry, The Edge, The Matrix), it’s still a tradition to have your own at home.

Here’s mine, which is in my garage, and is the first thing I did when we bought the house. It’s set up with relatively large holds at the moment for early season stamina training. It converts with an alternative set of holds into a ‘School Room’ type facility.

For more information on building your own wall, and plans for the ‘School Room’ layout, see Ben Moon’s excellent site:


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